Thursday, April 29, 2010

Taking the Motor home in to get it fixed

They asked me it I wanted to dirive it on to the trailer because his hands were dirty. I told them I would much rather they do it. There was not much room to spare. if you would like to see a video of the fire that caused this go to

Taking the Motor home in to get it fixed

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Richard & Judy Kramer

We met Richard and Judy at Bruno's for Pizza. It was good to see them again and the Pizza was not bad either. I use to work with Richard way back in the late 60’s and early 70’s. We had a little trouble getting there, Tim’s Kids (my nephew) locked his keys in his truck and it was blocking my father-in-laws car.

But with a coat hanger and some work in the rain we unlocked the door just in time to make it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fire Last night

Fire Last night

The Rubble in the center is what is remaining of a 5th wheel trailer. Our motor home is the one facing this way. Ours did not have near the damage the Alfa does.

Fire Last night

Last night about 2 am an arson struck the storage area where we have our motor home. 3 motor homes and a 5th wheel trailer were totally destroyed. Our motor home has heat damage but it is behind a police tape so we can not find out the extent of the damage. The entire front end and half the side look pretty well fried. We will have to wait until they remove the police tape before we can find out what the damage is. Double click on the picture so you can see it better.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can-Am ROadster demo ride

I took a demo ride on the Spyder Roadster. It is a fun ride. Lots of power and very stable.