Monday, May 17, 2010

Caesars Palace Las Vegas Hotel and Casino

We stayed at Harrah’s Las Vegas. We had very nice room for a small mid week price. It is located nicely in the middle of the strip. We had a good time there but not good enough to stay another day. We then headed for Jackpot NV to stay at another casino. The casino was not that lucky but it did have an excellent buffet. The last night of our trip we stayed in Toppenish WA and went to Legends casino. Legends has gone down hill from what I remember and the buffet was sub par.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

These are slow sticks.

These are slow sticks. The first one has the original length of wing. The next 3 have their wings shortened. The far one has less than 1/2 the wing. Some were done because of cutting off damage wing tips and some just to make it fly crazier.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Motor home update.

Motor home update.

The repairs are estimated at a little over $44k. They will start ordering parts on Monday.

Once the parts are on order they can give us an Idea of completion date.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We went to Algodones Mexico just south of Yuma AZ . There are about 350 dentist there. We had a recommendation from a couple of people in the park. We made a Monday after noon appointment and drove down. They did a quick check and told me I did not need a crown and they could fix my chipped tooth. They told Jo she needs two crowns and maybe root canal. They did not take any x-rays. They told us both that we did not need our teeth cleaned. And they could start on it Tuesday am. Well when we got back to the hotel. Because we do not have our motor home we stayed at the casino hotel just up the road from the boarder. It was only $59 a night. That night Jo decided she did not like that dentist and was not going back. So the next am she dropped me off and I went in and got the chipped tooth fixed and a cleaning. The chipped tooth works looks good but I was not impressed with the cleaning. When I walked back to the boarder Jo was waiting for me. She was talking to some people that were coming in for a check up after having a lot of work done 6 months ago. They highly recommended a different dentist. So I talked Jo into going with them to see if their dentist could fit her in. The dentist took her in right away. Jo likes that dentist much better and had a couple of cavities filled and a crown. The crown could be made over night. Rather than taking 4 days and having to drive down again like the first dentist said we would have to do for a crown. So we stayed another night.

Jo would highly recommend her new dentist. I was not very impressed with the first one.

The cost is less the 25% of that in the states. Sorry about not buying American. But us old farts on fixed income have to save where we can.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

50th High School class reunion.

I went back to Remington Indiana for my 50th High School class reunion.

There were 41 in my graduating class, 8 of which have passed away.

There were 26 of us at the reunion. Many I had not seen in those 50 years. We all had a good time.