Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The park held a Valentines dinner and dance.

Another kind of fly-in

Arizona Electric Festival · Wings Over Arizona ...

Coolidge Municipal Airport Monthly Fly-in

We watched this airplane land and then fold up the wings before it taxied to a parking place.

Dale at Fly-in trying to fly his airplane

On the first Saturday of every month. Coolidge Aviation LLC sponsors a fly-in. Breakfast is served by the Coolidge Lion’s Club in front of the main hangar (you know, the 1940’s hangar with the orange roof!) at the airport. The event usually starts about 8:00AM and ends around 12:00PM,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Alice with one of her clams

We celebrated new years at the ocean with a bunch of our friends. It was clear but cold. Much colder than usual.

I think of the Washington Coast as over cast and rain.

Friday was Razor claming. This is a picture of Alice with one of her clams.